Environment secrets and variables explained
Global repository secrets
Parameter | Description |
DOCKER_USERNAME | Your Dockerhub username to access the container registry. If you are using a different container registry, you will need to manually edit the deploy.yml appropriately. |
DOCKER_TOKEN | Your Dockerhub access token. |
DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT | The name of your Dockerhub account or organisation that forms the URL to your country config docker image on Dockerhub before the slash. e.g: opencrvs |
DOCKERHUB_REPO | The name of your Dockerhub repository that forms the URL to your country config docker image on Dockerhub after the slash.. e.g. ocrvs-farajaland |
GH_TOKEN | The personal Github Token used in all Action runners. |
GH_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD | Using the Github Token, a password is created that allows automated actions to access the secrets from other environments. This occurs during provisioning so that the production, backup and staging environments use the same BACKUP_ENCRYPTION_PASSPHRASE. |
Environment secrets
Secret | Description |
BACKUP_ENCRYPTION_PASSPHRASE | This is the password that is used to encrypt all the backups that OpenCRVS creates from a production server and that are stored on the backup server. Use this passphrase to decrypt the backups. |
ELASTICSEARCH_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD | The Elasticsearch superuser password. You can also use this to login to Kibana with the username "elastic" and you have superuser Elastic privileges. Kibana URL: https://kibana.<your_domain> |
KIBANA_USERNAME | A username for a regular Kibana user to login and monitor OpenCRVS stack health. Useful for developers as this user will have no superuser privileges. |
KIBANA_PASSWORD | A password for a regular Kibana user to login and monitor OpenCRVS stack health |
MONGODB_ADMIN_USER | The MongoDB superuser admin username. A powerful account that has all rights to OpenCRVS data |
MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD | The MongoDB superuser admin password. |
MINIO_ROOT_USER | A username for a Minio superuser admin to login to the Minio console to view supporting document attachments submitted during registrations. https://minio-console.<your_domain> |
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD | A password for a Minio superuser admin |
SMTP_SECURE | Whether or not your SMTP port requires TLS |
ALERT_EMAIL | Email address or Slack channel address to send system technical alerts to. |
SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS | The sender email address that appears in all emails will need to be configured. |
SSH_KEY | This is a copy of the id_rsa file for the SSH Key, not the id_rsa.pub! |
SSH_USER | Equal to "provision" |
OPENCRVS_METABASE_ADMIN_EMAIL | Email address for metabase admin panel login |
OPENCRVS_METABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD | Password for metabase admin panel login |
Environment variables
Variable | Description |
REPLICAS | The number of replicas: 1, 2, 3 or 5 depending on how many servers are in the environment cluster |
DOMAIN | The host domain name (without www!) for your environment. |
CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_WILDCARD | This string is supplied to the clients and nginx config and ensures that the format of your domain above can be configurable for CORS purposes. |
ACTIVATE_USERS | When users are seeded, are they immediately active using a test password and six zeros as a 2-Factor auth code. Always false in production and staging. |
AUTH_HOST, CLIENT_APP_URL, COUNTRY_CONFIG_HOST, GATEWAY_HOST, LOGIN_URL | URLs passed to docker-compose to support internal microservice comms. |
DISK_SPACE | The amount of disk space set aside for encrypted PII data stored by OpenCRVS |
NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT | A prop which can be used to configure either Email or SMS for staff and beneficiary comms or potentially both. |
SSH_HOST, SSH_PORT, SSH_ARGS | Arguments that are passed to the SSH command to access the server as the provision user |
Optional environment secrets
Parameter | Description |
SENTRY_DSN | OpenCRVS can report application errors to Sentry in order to help you debug any issues in production. |
Last updated