v1.4.1: Release notes


OpenCRVS v1.4.1 is a minor release which includes a hot-fix to the previous OpenCRVS v1.4.0 release. It is to be used in conjunction with a forked country configuration release v1.4.1

What's changed?


  • Fix Metabase versions in Dashboards service. Previously the version used for local development wasn't the one built into the docker image, which caused the locally generated initialisation file to fail in deployed environments.

  • Fix a seeding script bug, where it failed when done too quickly #6553

  • Update minimum password length validation #6559

  • Include middlename when generating fullnames

    • Refactored out the scattered logic for generating fullnames and converged them into a single function

    • Make lastname optional for a registered declaration

  • Recognize occupation as an optional field in informant section

  • Fix download failure when arrayToFieldTransormer is used in template mapping

  • Fix multiple records not being downloaded simultaneously #6492

  • Fix showing unassigned toast for reinstated declarations #6492

  • Fix system crash when opening the started action modal #6551

  • Make language names used in language select dropdowns configurable in country resource package copy

  • Fix login to field agent when an incomplete record is previously retrieved by them #6584


  • Improved logging for emails being sent

  • Updated default Metabase init file so that it's compatible with the current Metabase version

  • Deployment: Verifies Kibana is ready before setting up alert configuration

  • Deployment: Removes depends_on configuration from docker compose files

  • Deployment: Removes some deprecated deployment code around Elastalert config file formatting

  • Provisioning: Creates backup user on backup servers automatically

  • Provisioning: Update ansible Github action task version

Breaking changes

Core: No breaking changes


  • Copy: All application copy is now located in src/translations as CSV files. This is so that copy would be easily editable in software like Excel and Google Sheets. After this change, AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES_SELECT doesn't need to be defined anymore by country config.

In order to manage copy in 1.4.1 as opposed to <1.4.0, refer to the updated documentation here.