3.1 Mapping business processes
The role of OpenCRVS is to enable efficient civil registration services - this starts with smart business processes that make the most out of the potential that technology brings.
Do's and Dont's
Use technology to enhance business processes and customer satisfaction
Explore technologies that are not yet supported in legal frameworks e.g. digital signatures
Use the business process improvement process to inform legislative changes for the long-term
Design with the user
Design to IMPROVE service delivery and customer and user experience
Digitise paper processes
Design based on legislation alone
Dismiss features because they are not yet legal - now is your chance to change that!
Ignore what you know. If something doesn’t work now - don’t keep it!
Key Terms
Get to know key CRVS terms:
Notification: Minimal set of data relating to the vital event e.g. notification from a health facility.
NB. countries can use the terms notification and declaration interchangeably. Make sure you understand what is meant with the use of each term.
Declaration: complete set of data required for registration i.e. VE registration form
Validation: Checking the data provided in the registration form and validating it with supporting documentation
Registration: Legally register the vital event
Certificate Issuance: Print and issue a certificate
Key Considerations
When designing the business processes that OpenCRVS will enable, consider the key civil registration steps as defined below, and how to make the service as efficient as possible, recognising existing pain-points and challenges.
Who is best placed to complete this step?
Health Administrator / Community Leader
Registration Clerk
Registration Clerk
Where should this be done?
Where the event occurs
Registration Office
Wherever they are
Registration Office
Why them i.e. defined in law; closest to where VEs occur?
They know when vital events occur and can notify promptly
Because they do most administrative tasks for the Registrar & Registrar not always available
Defined in law
Because they do most administrative tasks for the Registrar & Registrar not always available
Using what device?
Mobile phone / tablet
PC / laptop
Any device
PC / laptop