Off-boarding from OpenCRVS

Perhaps you may wish to manually decrypt and extract the raw data from an encrypted OpenCRVS backup file if migrating the data to another vendor's civil registration system.

Using the BACKUP_ENCRYPTION_PASSPHRASE the backup zip that is downloaded in the Disaster Recovery Procedure can be decrypted and unzipped (extracted) like this:


openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -salt -pbkdf2 -in ${DATE_OF_REQUIRED_BACKUP}.tar.gz.enc --out ${DATE_OF_REQUIRED_BACKUP}.tar.gz -pass pass:$BACKUP_ENCRYPTION_PASSPHRASE

Extract the raw data into a directory named "extracted_data":

mkdir extracted_data
tar -xvf ${DATE_OF_REQUIRED_BACKUP}.tar.gz -C extracted_data

You can now write whatever custom migration script you wish using the raw MongoDB / Minio / Elasticsearch & CSV files.

Last updated