v1.3.4: Release notes


Read the v1.3.0 to v1.3.* migration notes!

OpenCRVS v1.3.4 is a patch release which includes a hotfix to the previous OpenCRVS v1.3.3 release. It is to be used in conjunction with a forked country configuration release v1.3.4.

Breaking Changes

No breaking changes

Bug fixes

  • Refactored out the scattered logic for generating fullnames and converged them into a single function

  • Make lastname optional for a registered declaration

  • Recognize occupation as an optional field in informant section

  • Fix download failure when arrayToFieldTransormer is used in template mapping

  • Fix multiple records not being downloaded simultaneously #6492

  • Fix showing unassigned toast for reinstated declarations #6492

  • Fix system crash when opening the started action modal #6551

  • Convert eventDates to LocalDate before formatting #6719

Full Changelog: https://github.com/opencrvs/opencrvs-core/compare/v1.3.3...v1.3.4