Prepare source file for statistics

Next you need to prepare your statistics source file. This is a csv file for the statistical parameters that are used to calculate performance metrics and completeness rates. You can import and create csv files in Excel or Google Drive. Using our statistics.csv as an example, download and create a new csv file with the statistical information for your country.\

Each row will represent a unique set of statistics for an administrative division in your country.

Notice that the adminPcode and name columns are identical to applicable levels created in the csv file in the previous step.

The next 4 columns are repeated for however many years you are able to source data from your statistical department. Each year MUST contain a minimum of 4 columns:

  • male_population_<year>

  • female_population_<year>

  • population_<year>

  • crude_birth_rate_<year>

Be careful when adding extra years to not have any spaces in your headers between the name of the header and the year key.

You can remove year blocks of 4 columns if you do not have this data, but make sure the available years that you do have run consecutively without any time gaps.

You can add statistical data to a location every year using the FHIR Location API.

Note: crude death rate is applied globally in the 3.2.5 Set up Application Settings step later in this documentation.

Note: At this stage, there is not too much point in you entering data more than 5 years back in time as OpenCRVS can only calculate completeness rates based on the registration information it has available. In future versions, we plan to introduce legacy data import to include historical registrations. At that point, a history of population data becomes really powerful.

Do not change or re-format the header row as the seeding process requires these names to be precise in order to parse the csv. Do not use commas in any cell and do not have any empty rows.

Last updated