v1.2.* to v1.3.* Migration notes

Are you just upgrading from v1.3* to a newer hotfix, e.g.: v1.3.1? If so, just use the new version in your deploy scripts.

Step 1: Prepare to migrate

If you are working on behalf of a government that is considering implementing OpenCRVS, we can help you to migrate your version of OpenCRVS.

Please contact us at team@opencrvs.org

Before you start migrating, consider these questions which we would ask you if we were offering support:

  1. What version number you are currently using?

  2. What version number you wish to upgrade to?

3. Have you made any NodeJS or React code customisations of any kind to opencrvs-core?

4. Have you integrated OpenCRVS to another system using an API, or documented system client?

5. Have you completely configured OpenCRVS?

6. Have you setup real registrar users in the system?

7. Are you already registering real citizens in testing or production?

8. Have you deployed OpenCRVS to a server environment? If so, answer these additional questions:

  • Please tell us if you have dedicated or shared servers

  • Do you have independent development (staging), quality assurance and production servers? Tell us what you have.

  • What are the specifications of your servers?

  • Are you running OpenCRVS on a cluster of 1, 3 or 5 servers?

  • Have you provisioned a backup server and automated emergency backups as documented?

  • How much free disk space and RAM is generally available on each server?

Step 2: Convert your OpenCRVS 1.2 form configuration

One of the biggest architectural changes we have made in OpenCRVS 1.3, was the difficult decision to deprecate the form configuration UI that we introduced in 1.0.

Please refer to form migration instructions.

Step 3: Upgrade your code

The next task requires you to pull latest changes in core and our countryconfig repository, resolve conflicts in your countryconfig repository and merge.

  1. Navigate to your opencrvs-core directory, checkout the release-v1.3.0 or master branch and pull latest changes. Yarn install any dependency upgrades:

cd <path on your environment>/opencrvs-core
git fetch
git checkout release-v1.3.0


git checkout master (Always aligned to the latest release)
git pull
yarn --force

2. You will now have the core release code. Your next step is to pull countryconfig release code.

3. Navigate to your forked country configuration repo

cd <path on your environment>/opencrvs-<your country>

4. Ensure that the branches you have set up are ready according to your strategy explained here. Pull, fix conflicts, merge and test according to your strategy.

Refer to our release notes in order to understand breaking changes

5. If you are running OpenCRVS locally, simply start OpenCRVS. Migrations will automatically run on your data and you have finished upgrading OpenCRVS locally. Proceed to the next section if you have already deployed OpenCRVS to a remote server cluster.

Step 4: Upgrade your server environments


Before you commence, ensure that you have understood these warning operational steps:

Warning 1: Backup and test a restore of your v1.2* data on a new v1.2.* test server

If you have hosted AND CONFIGURED OpenCRVS on a server and are capturing live registrations in production, YOU MUST: make an emergency backup of your data before proceeding so that you can restore in the event of any migration problems. THIS BACKUP MUST BE DOWNLOADED, SO YOU HAVE A 2ND COPY STORED EXTERNALLY FROM YOUR SERVER BEFORE PROCEEDING. THIS BACKUP MUST BE RESTORED SUCCESSFULLY ON A QUALITY ASSURANCE / STAGING / TEST SERVER TO ENSURE IT WORKS BEFORE CONTINUING.

Warning 2: Prepare operationally for a v1.3.* migration. Test the following steps on a test server first. Schedule the production migration when staff can cease operations.

In OpenCRVS v1.3.* we have some large data migrations to run. If you have been running OpenCRVS in production and you have live civil registrations for real citizens, these migrations may take several hours to complete. This will lead to reduced performance of OpenCRVS during this time. Therefore we recommend performing a data migration on an entirely new set of v1.3.* servers that have been restored wth a v.1.2* backup created in Warning 1. When you have tested your migrated servers and data, you can then change your DNS settings to point to your new server with confidence. COMPLETE A MIGRATION ON A TEST SERVER BEFORE RUNNING ON PRODUCTION. CEASE CIVIL REGISTRATION ACTIVITIES DURING A PRODUCTION MIGRATION. CONSIDER PERFORMING A PRODUCTION MIGRATION DURING NATIONAL HOLIDAYS TO AVOID RISK OF DATA LOSS.

  1. If you have hosted an entirely new v1.2* OpenCRVS on a server, and you have a successful restoration from a v1.2* backup running on this server, and you have a 2nd copy of the backup of your configuration hosted elsewhere just in case, you are ready to proceed.

  2. Configure a new set of v1.3.* servers following ALL the steps 3.3.1 to 3.3.5.

  3. Deploy v1.3* following the new deploy instructions including the new secrets

  4. Check you can login to OpenCRVS v1.3 successfully.

  5. OpenCRVS v1.3 is successfully installed, so now we must empty the database and restore it with your v1.2* data. Follow these manual clear, restore and migrate process using these steps.

  6. You can then login to OpenCRVS v1.3.* and test that all your data has migrated successfully.

Last updated