3.1.2 Install OpenCRVS locally
The following instructions will guide you on how to set up a local, demo development environment of OpenCRVS using our fictional country configuration: "Farajaland".
Check you have installed all the dependencies in the previous section
Clone OpenCRVS Core:
git clone https://github.com/opencrvs/opencrvs-core.git
Navigate inside the core directory
Ensure that you are on the master branch. The master branch is always aligned to the latest release.
Run the setup command
Do not use sudo bash setup.sh
Many Ubuntu developers get into a bad habit of using sudo before every command.
The bash setup.sh
command needs to set folder permissions for Elasticsearch and Docker. If you use sudo, the owner of the /data folder becomes root. You will encounter permissions problems that are hard to debug.
This installer script will:
Test that your dependencies are installed correctly
Checks that required ports are available. Note: MacOS runs AirPlay on port 5000. Mac users need to disable AirPlay in System Preferences in order to run OpenCRVS.
Download and install all Docker images
Check out the example OpenCRVS country configuration repository in a directory alongside opencrvs-core: https://github.com/opencrvs/opencrvs-countryconfig
Runs all OpenCRVS Core microservices
Run the OpenCRVS country configuration repository with test data from our fictional country, "Farajaland" and populate local databases with Farajaland reference data
6. If there are any missing dependencies the script will exit and display instructions. Once the dependency is satisfied, you can try again.
7. On completion you will see the OpenCRVS logo
Open the url
You have successfully installed OpenCRVS! 🎉
Proceed to login using the details in the section 3.14 Log in to OpenCRVS.
To stop OpenCRVS running in the installer, type ctrl+c, then exit in each tmux terminal window
Last updated