10. Archive record
Pre condition
A declaration has the status âIn progressâ, âIn Reviewâ âValidatedâ or âRequires Updatesâ
You can not archive/revoke a registered record. This is planned for 1.4
Declaration deemed to be invalid, duplicate or missing mandatory data that they donât expect to ever been completed
Standard flow
Registrar or Registration Agent finds record
User clicks on the name of the record
User assigns themselves to the record
User clicks âArchiveâ
User confirms actions to archive record
Declaration is sent to the Outbox for processing
Once processed the declaration status is updated to âArchivedâ
Post conditions
Record audit updated to show that the record has been archived
Registrar or Registration Agent can reinstate record if deemed to be a valid declaration again.
When a record is marked as a duplicate by a Registrar then the record status will be changed to 'Archived'
Last updated