3.1.3 Starting and stopping OpenCRVS
After you have installed OpenCRVS, the setup script will have installed the opencrvs-countryconfig repository in a directory alongside opencrvs-core. The country configuration is a separate server that must be started and stopped alongside opencrvs-core.
To start and stop opencrvs-core and the country configuration server, use the following commands.
Starting OpenCRVS Core
Ensure you have navigated inside the opencrvs-core directory:
cd opencrvs-core
yarn dev
to start opencrvs-core. You will be asked to confirm that you are ready to start a country configuration server alongside opencrvs-core. If you ran our bash setup.sh script, then you already have opencrvs-countryconfig directory available alongside opencrvs-core. Click Y to continue, or N to exit.Wait for the OpenCRVS client app to build completely (output will slowly stop over the course of about 2 minutes)
Starting OpenCRVS Country Configuration
Open a new terminal window
cd ../opencrvs-countryconfig
or cd into your forked country configuration.Run
yarn dev
to start the country configuration server.
NOTE: If you did not previously run our bash setup.sh
command, Docker will have to download Mongo DB, ElasticSearch, OpenHIM and Hearth docker images. These are large files. Then docker will build them and you will see Mongo errors output for a long time until Mongo is running.
If you did run our setup command, OpenCRVS will start much faster and these errors will not last very long before the @opencrvs/client: Compiled with warnings. message appears.
Enter Ctrl+c in the opencrvs-core terminal. After a few seconds Docker will prompt you to type Ctrl+c again to stop any running containers.
Press Ctrl+c in the opencrvs-countryconfig terminal, or your forked country configuration termina
Other servers
When OpenCRVS is running, you can browse to other interesting server dependencies of OpenCRVS such as:
React Storybook
Our UI component style guide, will be available here: http://localhost:6060/
This is a work in progress to assist front end developers and designers in developing new UI features.
Last updated