3.1 Set-up a local development environment

Important! Please read

The following instructions will guide you on how to set up a local development environment of OpenCRVS using our fictional country configuration: "Farajaland" on your laptop.

We recommend that you setup OpenCRVS to work with our fictional country repo before proceeding to fork and create your own country configuration.

In order to run OpenCRVS, we expect that you have a working knowledge of Linux / Unix operating systems and can run terminal commands.

OpenCRVS consists of multiple servers which run in Docker containers and requires NodeJS. You should be familiar with the concepts of Docker and NodeJS web application software development. Having familiarity with NodeJS, Docker Containerisation and Microservice architectures is a big plus if you intend on contributing.

It is really important, regardless of your experience, that you carefully follow these instructions in the order of the steps provided.

First, you will have to install some dependencies on your local computer

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