Core functions

Overview of core functions

OpenCRVS Specifications 1.3 For a comprehensive understanding of the features of OpenCRVS, please refer to the complete product specification, which can be found in the OpenCRVS Specifications v1.3 excel document


User or external system sends a vital event notification to an assigned office. The notification appears in the 'In Progress' workqueue for follow-up and completion.

User completes declaration form in an office or roaming (mobile) and either sends for review or registers it

User reviews submitted declaration form against supporting documents

User registers vital event

User prints certificate

User issues a certificate

User searches and retrieves a vital event record

User views a record

User corrects a record, providing a reason for the correction

User is able to verify the existence of a birth record and see relevant details

User archives a record

User is able to view vital statistics data and download in required format

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