An Event Notification client can submit full or partial birth or death applications into an OpenCRVS' office "In Progress" or "Ready For Review" workqueue. Usually these clients are Hospitals, but technically these clients could be any system and the "Health system" label on the workqueue tab could be content managed accordingly.
When Event Notifications are received in OpenCRVS, they are audited accordingly as being received from one of your automated clients.
You can use our Postman collections to test Event Notification API functionality. Postman is a tool you can download to test API access before building your integrations.
Submitting an Event Notification
To submit an Event Notification, your client must first request an authorization token using your client_id and client_secret.
Event Notification Requests
With the token as an authorization header, the following request will submit a minimal birth declaration in FHIR. To learn more about our FHIR standard, read the standards section.
Parameters in handlebars must be substituted with specific data that requires further explanation below. Other data is given as an example, but you can refer to our standards to set the values correctly depending on the birth or death.
Refer to our Postman collections to see a payload for a full birth declaration, minimal and full death declaration.
If the notification has been successfully processed by OpenCRVS, you will receive a 200 OK response and the following payload back. For each successfully saved FHIR resource, you will receive a location.
If the request fails, you will receive a 500 Error and you must check the payload you are sending for errors.
This is an important parameter. It is a FHIR Location uuid for a Civil Registration Office that you wish this notification to arrive in the jurisdiction / workqueue of. You can retrieve these ids using our open . Your offices are customised for your country needs in
This is an important parameter. It is a FHIR Location uuid for the immediate administrative level parent, such as a district or state, that the office is partOf. You can retrieve these ids using our open . Your location levels are customised for your country needs in
If you are submitting addresses, then this is an optional FHIR Location uuid for the locationLevel2, technically expressed as a "district". You can retrieve these ids using our open . Your location levels are customised for your country needs in
If you are submitting addresses, then this is an optional FHIR Location uuid for the locationLevel1, technically expressed as a "state". You can retrieve these ids using our open . Your location levels are customised for your country needs in
A FHIR Location id for a facility that is already in the OpenCRVS database to track places of births or deaths in health institutions. You can retrieve these ids using our open . Your health facilities are customised for your country needs in
The for the address. E.G. UGD for Uganda, FAR for our fictional country Farajaland.