Informant and staff notifications

In production, OpenCRVS sends automated messages at important times to staff and informants. In development and qa environments, messages are not delivered. You can edit the languages and content of all messages.

You can choose any method of communications from Email, SMS, WhatsApp etc. Examples are provided for Email and & SMS (In Farajaland, we have supplied example SMS code integrating with Infobip and example Email code integrating with SendGrid.

The following messages are sent to staff members and beneficiaries by default and the staff messages are essential. A National System Administrator user can configure on/off whether or not the beneficiary messages are sent in the following user interface at any time.

You must enable a communication method for the authenticationCodeNotification message in production otherwise your staff will not be able to log in. REMOVING 2FA MAKES OPENCRVS INSECURE. PROTECTING CITIZEN DATA IS NOT AN OPTION!! What is two-factor authentication (2FA)?

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